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Languages for students

Do you find that young talent and older graduates are not very strong at languages ? Then participate in this new program!

This program seeks to develop the exchange of languages between students to increase their level: it is a non-commercial program. A student (or an ex-student) teaches a language course and in return receives a course in the language of his choice with the same sutudent. The courses are free between students. The courses will be held on-line via a video conferencing application of the participants' choice, such as Skype . No need to commute to someone's house, which makes access to the courses much easier .

This way, a Dutch speaker from Ghent (Belgium) could take a course with a French speaker from Mons (Belgium) and vice versa.
For students, there will be no commercial objective. Nothing will be sold to them. The goal is simply language development.

NewJobMedia will develop an on-line and off-line communication campaign in higher education institutions and organisations for students and alumni in Belgium and in other countries.

NewJobMedia will also develop an application which will allow candidates to register in the language of their choice. They will be able to contact one another, setting their timetables and work methods.
In Belgium, French, Dutch and English speaking students will be targeted.
All areas of expertise will be targeted, particularly commercial profiles, technical engineers, scientific engineers, financial profiles, medical profiles and IT related profiles

Partner companies will link in with the image that we are portraying: an educational and non-commercial image that is all about personal and professional development.

Take advantage of this opportunity !


950 €/year

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